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Information Security and Business Continuity

Your safety in our hands!






Some customers



Além de diversos serviços realizados através de parcerias estratégicas

Our mission

Serve the entire market with Security, Information Privacy and Business Continuity solutions and services, notably the segments of small and medium-sized companies with the same quality offered to customers in larger segments, always finding the best cost-benefit ratio.

Our story

WA2 is a young company, founded in June 2019.
It was born from a dream – to offer all sizes of companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, the same type of service given to larger companies, by international service providers.
WA2 has specific and determined methodologies to meet all services related to the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 27000 (Information Security), 22300 (Business Continuity), 31000 (Risk Management), PCI-DSS (Security) of Information for the card market) and LGPD (General Data Protection Law).
serves all types of companies with the most diverse objectives, from gathering information (Gap Analysis) to identifying failures necessary to correct the “human, physical, procedural and technological” environments of companies, to preparing companies for certify ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System), ISO 22301 (Business Continuity Management System), PCI-DSS (Security Certification for the card market) and Compliance with any regulations of Regulatory Agencies ( BACEN, ANATEL, ANEEL, ANVISA, ANPD, among others).
In its short history, it has already developed a project and supported the certification of Fingerprint Gráfica e Digital, and of Perinity Consultoria in GRC, in ISO 27001 and of ASAAS Gestão Financeira, in PCI-DSS full.



To be a reference in Brazil and Latin America in the provision of services suitable for all sizes of company, with total technical exemption from “brands” and “technologies” that the client may need to implement.
Wa2's role is to support the client, working for him in all our expertise.


Appreciation of People


Customer Focus

Sustainable Growth

Integrity and Transparency

Fight for a better world, defending flags such as “environmental protection of the Planet” and “down with any type of discrimination, whether racial, sexual, regional, etc.”

Are you REALLY safe?

Our team

Um time jovem, liderado por profissionais com mais de 30 anos de experiência em Segurança da Informação, Continuidade de Negócios e Privacidade de Dados. Temos expertise, metodologia, ferramentas próprias e somos isentos, pois não recomendamos marcas e nem representamos vendors de qualquer tipo. Para mais informações sobre nossa equipe, fique à vontade para nos contatar através do e-mail

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